In Defense of Feynman: Accretion Disks, Brownian Motion, and Quantum Fields

Recently, some interesting research out of the University of Arkansas, and as published in the journal Physical Review E, has been in the news.  A team led by Professor Paul Thibado has harvested energy from freestanding graphene—a potentially revolutionary development of power generation from material that is just simply existing, essentially.  These sheets of graphene […]

The Enlightening Chapters 34-36

                                                            34                                  Soon, we were back in Merle’s car, and headed over to what was becoming the “usual” spot, behind the mall by the dumpster.  When we got there, a truly scraggly-looking man was there, on his bicycle, peering into the dumpster.  As we approached, he reached down into the dumpster and pulled out […]

FREE BOOK- No strings attached

The newly revised “definitive” version of The Enlightening is now available completely free of charge.  Simply follow the link, where a PDF file is available to download. Now you have the entire book available in a single easy file.  Enjoy it as a literary work, or consider the merits of the new, comprehensive hyper-dimensional model […]