Elon’s Sky

(A short story by Kevin Goczeski)      Elon strode through the scruffy rubble of the vacant lot next door, occasionally slowing to pick his way more carefully through a tangle of weeds or a scattered pile of broken concrete. He sat down on a large rock at the edge of the old creek bed. His […]

Einstein vs Tesla & The Double-Slit Solution

Nikola Tesla detested relativity theory, and he derided Albert Einstein as a “white-haired crank.”  Tesla supported the concept of the universal “ether,” and he raged about Einstein’s relativistic concept of “curved space.”  Tesla also scoffed at the maximum possible velocity of “c” (light speed), which is a central tenet of Special Relativity.  When viewed through […]

The Greatest and Grandest Illusion (Part I)- A Relativistic Deception

In my book The Enlightening, I make the following observation:  Both Albert Einstein and H.A. Lorentz conceived of Lorentz’ Relativistic Velocity Transformation equations as describing the entire extent of the universe.  This is clearly supported by Einstein’s relativity theories, including the proposed universal “speed limit” of c.  Lorentz did not disagree with Einstein’s interpretation.  My […]


A Caltech researcher has recently pointed out that Schrodinger’s Equation, which describes the wavelike nature of particles, and is therefore the foundational equation of quantum mechanics, is also very useful in describing the long-term evolution of large-scale astronomical structure of space-time.   Today, let’s conduct a little science thought experiment.  A typical scientific process might entail […]

Lost in Math, Indeed

     As some of those who are aware of The Enlightening may know, my interest in cosmology and astrophysics spans back nearly 30 years.  The mystery of dark matter is what really caught my interest back in the early 1980s, when I began to research and study the subject, in earnest.  I put the time […]

Dark Energy is Getting Stronger

Some new research out of the University of Florence, indicating a “mysterious” increase in the flow of dark energy, validates my own model of the hyper-dimensional universe, as described in “The Enlightening.” Here is the link from the hyper-dimensional universe site.